16 Shvat: Wisdom of Women
Daily Boost - 16 Shvat
16 Shvat: Wisdom of Women
The Daily Boost is a podcast, created by Tut Altz, to help inspire your day with a daily Moshiach-related Torah thought.
All the women, whose hearts inspired them with wisdom, spun the goat hair. (Shemos 35:26)
This was particularly expert work.… (Rashi, ibid)
Like the Jews in the desert, our generation is charged with the task of making the world a sanctuary for G-d. The most difficult work associated with the Tabernacle was performed by the women because they possessed the unique ability to truly transform the world into a house befitting G-d.
We must involve women in all matters of Torah and mitzvos. Only through a woman’s touch will
G-d rest in our midst.
Hisvaaduyos 12 Tammuz 5717 Seif 33