18 Teves: Setting Limits

Daily Boost - 18 Teves 18 Teves: Setting Limits The Daily Boost is a podcast, created by Tut Altz, to help inspire your day with a daily Moshiach-related Torah thought.


The righteous rule [over nature] because of their subservience to G-d. (Shmuel II 23:3)

G-d only creates the limits of nature, time, and space to train us to exert effort in learning Torah and performing mitzvos. Once we spiritually mature, G-d removes these restraints.

This is comparable to educating a child. At first, adults must set clear rules and limits for the child. But as the child matures, he learns to regulate himself.

The more that we align ourselves with G-d, the less we are bound by nature.

See Moed Katan 17b and Rabbeinu Chananel there

18 Teves: Setting Limits
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