19 Kislev: Secret Allies

Daily Boost - 19 Kislev 19 Kislev: Secret Allies The Daily Boost is a podcast, created by Tut Altz, to help inspire your day with a daily Moshiach-related Torah thought.


Today marks the anniversary of the Alter Rebbe’s liberation from prison in Tsarist Russia, after being libeled by opponents of Chassidus. Once he was liberated, the Alter Rebbe began explaining Chassidus in much greater length and depth, thus initiating the path of Chabad Chassidus. This day is considered the Rosh Hashanah of Chassidus.

The Alter Rebbe related about his release, “While I was reading from Tehillim [Psalms] the verse, 'He redeemed my soul in peace,' before beginning the following verse, I emerged in peace by an act of the G-d of peace.”

He redeemed my soul in peace from the battle that came upon me, because of the many [people who] were with me. (Tehillim 55:19)

In this verse, King David declares that he merited winning battles because of the many who prayed on his behalf, including those on the opposing side. This verse can also be understood to refer to Moshiach, who is called after his father, David. Moshiach will wage the “wars of G-d.” In this sense, the verse teaches us that even those who have been exiled among “many” nations, and even those who find themselves for one reason or another in an enemy camp, they are still “with me.” Their essence (the yechidah) remains pure and ready for Moshiach.

By spreading the wellsprings of Chassidus, as the Alter Rebbe began to do on the 19th of Kislev, we spread awareness of G-dliness in the world. This prepares the world for Moshiach by revealing every person’s essence—the part that is always with Moshiach.

Sefer HaSichos 5752, pp. 168-70

19 Kislev: Secret Allies
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